100% Money Back Guarantee

Test Drive Our Professional Software Totally Free for 30 Days

You can try any of our commercial programs completely free for a month — no credit card, email address or signup required. Simply download and go

Why do you provide a free trial?

We want to make sure that you're completely satisfied with our software before you spend any of your hard-earned money.

You see, our long-term goal is not simply to collect a payment. We want to build a long term, mutually beneficial relationship, where the value you receive from our company exceeds the money you spend.

And as the first step in building that relationship, we extend our open hand of trust to you. That way, you can verify that our software works exactly as promised — and solves your problem — before you pay anything at all.

How does the free trial work?

It's really very simple.

After you download the software and install it on your computer, the program will operate in "free trial mode". For the next 30 days, the full set of features will be available to you, to use entirely as you see fit.

And during your trial, we won't bug you with emails, phone calls or anything like that. The only thing you'll notice is an occasional reminder that the program has not yet been purchased.

What happens if I need more time?

If you need more than 30 days to test the software, please get in touch and let us know your situation. We'll be happy to extend your trial for another 30 days — or longer, if necessary.

What if your application doesn't solve my problem?

You have a couple of options in that situation.

First, you can get in touch with our technical team and let us know what's going wrong. We have many years of experience wrestling with Windows Services and it's very likely that we'll be able to get you up and running, lickety-split.

But if you don't want to ask for help, or you don't think that the software is right or you, you can simply uninstall it. Uninstalling should take less than a minute, and that will be the end of that.