The Core Technologies Blog

Professional Software for Windows Services / 24×7 Operation

Q&A: Why did my Windows Service Start Unexpectedly?

  I’ve got a Windows Service that keeps starting by itself. Why is that happening? I’m pulling my hair out trying to figure out why… — Colin P. Hi Colin. There may be several culprits here. Let’s go through a few. … Continue reading

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Essential Windows Services: EventLog / Windows Event Log

In this article… What is the Windows Event Log (EventLog) service? What happens if I stop EventLog? Is it OK to disable the Windows Event Log service? Questions? Problems? What is the Windows Event Log (EventLog) service? The EventLog service … Continue reading

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Q&A: How do I Restart a Windows Service when an Event is Reported?

  We have a service that should restart whenever another service writes a particular event to the Event Viewer. How can I do that? — Russell Hi Russell. To create that workflow, you can introduce an “Event Trigger” with the Windows … Continue reading

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When did my Windows Service Start?

Here are four ways to determine when your windows service last started. Solution #1: Search the Windows Event Logs with PowerShell The Windows Event Logs hold a wealth of information about your computer’s activities. Indeed, a new record is added … Continue reading

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