The Core Technologies Blog

Professional Software for Windows Services / 24×7 Operation

Is it Safe to Automatically Log In to my Computer?

In this article… What is automatic logon? Why would I use it? How do I enable auto logon? When is automatic logon a security risk? What can I do to mitigate the risks and make auto logon safe? What are … Continue reading

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Q&A: Does AlwaysUp Support Multiple Automatic Logons?

   We’ve written utilities that control Microsoft Word to produce automated documents and, for various reasons, these have to be run visible in a “real desktop session” on a server, logged in as a real user, not hidden on session … Continue reading

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Q&A: How Do I Delay the Start of my Windows Service?

  Our build server has a ton of services installed and it takes a while for them to start whenever the machine boots. One of the services doesn’t connect to the database if it starts too soon. When that happens, I … Continue reading

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Q&A: How do I Restart a Windows Service when an Event is Reported?

  We have a service that should restart whenever another service writes a particular event to the Event Viewer. How can I do that? — Russell Hi Russell. To create that workflow, you can introduce an “Event Trigger” with the Windows … Continue reading

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Q&A: How do I Remove an AlwaysUp “At-Login” Startup Task?

  At some point I must have setup a command line to start my application in AlwaysUp when I log in. But I do not need to do that any longer. I deleted the configuration in AlwaysUp but I do not … Continue reading

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