The Core Technologies Blog

Professional Software for Windows Services / 24×7 Operation

How to Export the List of Windows Services on Your Computer

1. Export to CSV or tabbed text with the Services application Perhaps the easiest way to export your services is with the built-in Windows Services application — services.msc. To export, simply: Start Services. Click the Start button, type services.msc in … Continue reading

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Q&A: Why can’t AlwaysUp run my Batch File?

  Hi. I think I’ve written a batch file that your AlwaysUp software cannot run as a service. Here are the contents of my file: @echo off > usermessage.vbs ECHO Set wshShell = CreateObject( “WScript.Shell” ) >>usermessage.vbs ECHO wshShell.Popup “My Text … Continue reading

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How to Restart a Windows Service Every Day (or Week)

The easiest way to restart your Windows Service is with our Service Scheduler tool. It’s completely free, super simple to use and you can schedule your service in less than a minute. For example, here’s how to restart the Windows … Continue reading

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Essential Windows Services: Security Center / wscsvc

In this article… What is the Security Center (wscsvc) service? Technical information What happens if I stop Security Center? Is it OK to disable the Security Center service? Questions? Problems? What is the Security Center (wscsvc) service? The Security Center … Continue reading

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Essential Windows Services: Security Accounts Manager / SamSs

In this article… What is the Security Accounts Manager (SamSs) service? What happens if I stop SamSs? Is it OK to disable the Security Accounts Manager service? What happens if I kill the SamSs process (lsass.exe)? The SamSs service isn’t … Continue reading

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