Professional Software for Windows Services / 24×7 OperationQ&A: Why does AlwaysUp Fail to Run my Program?I set up our application with AlwaysUp but it doesn’t work. When I try to start it, it runs for a few seconds then fails with this error: AlwaysUpService was unable to start the application properly, failing at least 5 … Continue reading Posted in AlwaysUp Tagged alwaysup, localsystem-account, q&a, support, troubleshooter Leave a comment Q&A: Why can’t AlwaysUp Open the Netman Service?Hi Team, AlwaysUp can start Thunderbird as a Windows Service and it runs without any problems. But I always get the following warnings: Unable to ensure that networking components are running: Netman: Unable to open the service: Zugriff verweigert. AlwaysUpService … Continue reading |