The Core Technologies Blog

Professional Software for Windows Services / 24×7 Operation

Q&A: How do I Test the “Check Web Server” Sanity Check?

  I’ve already started the trial of the Service Protector and I’m comfortable with the way it is working. I manually stopped my web service and Service Protector started it up right away. I’m specifically interested in detecting some nasty 502 … Continue reading

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Q&A: Why Doesn’t AlwaysUp Catch my Endless Loop?

  Following your AlwaysUp documentation, I am using the “Monitor the application and stop it whenever it hangs” option. When I set its value to 1 minute, this feature does not work as I expect. I wrote a simple application that … Continue reading

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How to Make AlwaysUp Restart your Program Multiple Times per Day (without using the Task Scheduler)

Earlier this month, we presented a couple of options for periodically restarting a temperamental legacy application with AlwaysUp. You can either restart once per day (via a setting on the AlwaysUp Monitor tab) or multiple times per day (using the … Continue reading

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Q & A: Can AlwaysUp Kill & Restart my Idle Application?

  I’m using ncrack to monitor our network. I recently started running it as a windows service under AlwaysUp. Everything is working perfectly except that sometimes ncrack stops capturing traffic. The CPU goes to zero and nothing else is written to … Continue reading

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Q & A: How Do I get AlwaysUp to Restart my Hung Script?

  My company uses AlwaysUp CLT to run our script every 5 minutes as a windows service. The script starts running when the PC boots and repeats every 5 minutes throughout the day. It usually takes a few seconds to do … Continue reading

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